
Peine International Pipe Band Championships 2019 (All Grades)

Start No.Name of the BandGradePipes / PlacesPipes /PointsDrumsTotalFinal Position
3The Crossed Swords Pipes & Drums (D)512131
2The FC St. Pauli Pipes & Drums (D)524372
1The Pipes & Drums Unstruttal (D)536283
9The Bragi Pipe Band (DK)412131
6The Owl Town Pipe & Drum Band (D)424372
10The Clan Pipers Frankfurt and District Pipe Band & The Odenwald Pipes & Drums (D)4482103
4The Baul Muluy Pipe Band (D)4366124
13The Antwerp & District Grade 4 Band (B)45107175
11The Wallace Pipe Band (B)47174186
5The Berlin Thistle Pipes & Drums (D)461212247
14The Dresden Pipes & Drums (D)48169258
7The Alba Pipe Band (D)411225279
15The Claymore Pipes & Drums (D)4918112910
12The Highland Dragon Pipe Band (D)41020103011
8The Beatrix Pipe Band (NL)4122483212
16The Bragi Pipe Band4 MSR12131
17The Clan Pipers Frankfurt and District Pipe Band & The Odenwald Pipes & Drums4 MSR24262
18The Wallace Pipe Band4 MSR36393
19The Concord Pipe Band (NL)312131
21The Nutscheid Forest Pipe Band (D)324372
20The Antwerp & District Grade 3 Pipe Band (B)336283
25The Baul Muluy Pipe Band (D)3494124
23The Bragi Pipe Band (DK)35106165
24The Claymore Pipes & Drums (D)36127196 P.P.
22The Alba Pipe Band (D)37145197
27The Antwerp & District Grade 3 Pipe Band (B)212241
26The Concord Pipe Band224152
31The Concord Pipe BandOpen12131
32The Antwerp & District Grade 3 Pipe Band (B)Open24372
28The Nutscheid Forest Pipe Band (D)Open36283
29The Bragi Pipe Band (DK)Open484124
30The Claymore Pipes & Drums (D)Open5105155

P.P. = Piping Preference

Best Bass- and Tenor Section over all: The Concord Pipe Band
Best Drum Corps over all: The Concord Pipe Band
The Smartest Band on Parade: The Crossed Swords Pipes & Drums

The Regimental Drum Major Competition: 1. Frederic Ventura / 2. Nigel James Watson / 3. Jörg Behnke

The RSPBA Drum Major Competition:
Junior: 1. Leonore Prüfer
Juvenile: 1. Raphaela Jechura / 2. Eilean Helfert

RSPBA Adjudicators:
Piping: Mr. Cameron Edgar
Drumming: Mr. Jim Baxter
Drum Majors and Marching & Discipline: Mr. Alastair Patterson
National Councillor of The Bagpipe Association of Germany: Mr. Eoin Allister MacKinnon Ashford



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