On Saturday the gathering starts with the beginning of the musical competitions, mainly “The Peine International Pipe Band Championships” to determine the german champion. The judges come all the way from Scottland. Everywhere at the parc the participants are practicing, the pipes sound loud and the drums are beating the rhythm.
At Peines historic marketplace it starts scottish too, some musicians will play a few songs and march through the city to the parc.
In the evening there will be a big Ceilidh – an open air concert with liveband on the main stage and party open end.
On Sunday there will be the single competitions an it’s going to become athletic: The Highland Games take place. These are Tug-o-War, Tossing the Cabar, Putting the Stone and the Farmer’s Walk.
Members of the Scottish Culture Club Peine and associated clubs will do performences of scottish dances, songs and stories.
The event is an ideal getaway for your whole family because the children’s area presents a lot of diversities.
There will be stalls withe jewellery, arts, scottish products, alse and non alcoholic breverages and sweet and hearty food. Brave ones taste the Haggis. The scottish national dish is made from sheep’s pluck, oatmeal and herbs. Afterwards you can take a dram or two of Whisky or do a little tasting of the different varieties.
Fàilte! A warm welcome in Peine!
Here you will find our programm 2022!
The Owl Town Dancers, a branch of the Scottish Culture Club Peine, are performing Scottish Country Dancing at the Peine Highland Gathering. These dances normaly require three or four pairs of dancers, but there are also dances for more (and rarely fewer) dancers. There are quick dances (Reels and Jigs) as well as slow ones (Strathspey). Both consisting principally of the same figures but with different sets of steps.
The fascination in Scottish Country Dancing comes from the different combination of standard figures within a single dance, resulting in an enormus amount of possible constellations. With more than 10,000 registered dances nobody can recall every dance. Therefore, at a Ceilidh, the sequence of figures is usually announced before each dance. This way the dancers “just” need to know the figures an perform them in the proper order. In reality, usually it is a bit more complicated 🙂
Our friends Rince Samhain from Brunswick are accompanying the Peine Highland Gathering since fifteen year and the audience are enyoing their perfomances ever since. They are loving Irish music, may it be Folk or Modern, and use “Softshoes” and “Hardshoes”. The latter are used for step dance, very syncronus and fast. This kind of dance originates in Ireland and was handed down and improved throughout the centuries. Recently, it came to worldwide popularity through the shows like Riverdance and Lord of the Dance by Michael Flatley. Rince Samhain is not only dancing for the fun of it but also attends at Competitions – with some success: a couple of their dancers went touring with shows, they earned titles at european championships and they even participated at nine world championships.
The Scottish Folk Singers are the choir of the Scottish Culture Club Peine and enjoy the audience with scottish songs on different subjects.
Last year we had a great success with the first appearances of Scot Lit. Even if this more quiet event was intended mainly to entertain our younger guests there were many adults too, whose hearts are open for magic and wonders, that enjoyed listening to the lassies tales
As every year, the Children Games take place on Sunday, parallel to the adult Highland Games. The will start at 11 o’clock and will last until about 16 o’clock.
The will be a throwing of a log, too – or “Tossing the Cabar” as the Scots say. The objective ist to throw the log in a way that it will do a somersault and remain lying in a 12 o’clock position. Every participant has three tries.
As an alternative to the heavy stones we use wellington boots. The purpose is to thow the welly as far as possible.
There is no age limit. As long as the participants can lift the log or welly and understand and comply to the rules the can take part. Don’t panic! We have them in different sizes. Everybody who is not strong enought jet/anymore for the Highland Games is going to have a good time with us.
We hope for a great audience and are looking forward to meet you!